Friday, August 18, 2017

A Joyous Perspective on Eclipses: When they block your Sunshine, it's time to adjust

It's Friday, and time for another Friday Night Thought Tale with the Hendersons. Well, it's finally here - the so called "Great American Eclipse of 2017". The frenzy surrounding it is phenomenal, but not unexpected for our land and people. On Monday, Chris and I will join millions to spend less than 3 minutes to go 'Wow Solar System - you rock." All of this talk of eclipses has gotten my mind to spin around the dynamics of the event. And as there have been some other explosive convulsions going on in our world as well, I naturally found myself putting two and two together. (If you read my blog, I'm certain this does not surprise you.) 

The Sun has a purpose, and this Monday, that purpose will be interrupted for a few minutes.

We take the resource of Sunshine for granted at times, don't we? Sure, we miss it when it's gone, but we have this reassurance it will be back. And that is because the Sun and its intended purpose are so robust and dynamic that there is little that could ever stop it from doing its thing. Think about it. We absolutely know why it is here, and other than a few Solar Flares from time to time, it does little to worry us. Its behavior is steady and powerful, and no small Moon will prevent that from continuing.

Perhaps we can take a cue from the Sun as 

we seek to shine in our intended purpose.

As I have watched others who strive to magnify their intended purpose and beliefs, I have noted something of interest. Even while I may find fascination and a desire to cheer them on in their goals, when they allow their behavior to eclipse those purposes, I can no longer see their sunshine. Like the Moon blocking the Sun and bringing on darkness, the warmth and power of their purpose become invisible. Unlike the Sun, sometimes they are unable to get past the behaviors for a very long time, and they might even become lost. So how can we prevent this from happening to us?

We need to identify those behaviors within us that can become 

Moons in our lives.

I came up with a quick list for your consideration and thought. Which ones might you need to overpower and shine around?

1) Anger leading to violent actions or words: Nothing blocks your warmth like the explosiveness of harsh words towards those who question your goals or beliefs. Suddenly, no one, other than perhaps a mob of others as angry as you, hears whatever you actually are seeking anymore. Your intentions are clouded, and you might find yourself spending time in conflict and counter punches versus achieving your goals. Rather than allow anger to eclipse you, focus on your intentions and look forward. Move on - just like the Sun will on Monday.

If another can easily anger you, it is because you are off balance within yourself.

2) Conceitedness that leads to hurting others: There is nothing sadder than seeing someone achieving a goal with many bloodied and bruised humans in their wake. Yes, the
Sun has been known to provide a good burn now and then, but this is not without ample warning. This shadow is one that covers us without warning and gets confused with a sense of confidence in our beliefs. One of its more visible signals is when you find yourself acting like a bully - belittling another for their difference of opinion or lack of interest in your goals. Taking a cue from the Sun again, imagine how silly it could make the Moon look for wandering into a path that causes it to be blocked for a few minutes. One good Solar Flare in the right spot and the Moon would regret this forever. Instead, the Sun just waits and lets the Moon get some attention and be on its way.

Remember, Confidence smiles - Arrogance smirks.

3) Over-reaching or extending beyond what you are called to do: Sometimes, going for our intention or supporting our beliefs can be like running down a hillside - one false step and you're suddenly on a tumble. Legs flailing, mind frenzied and completely out of control until you reach the bottom, often with a thud. There is nothing more edifying than watching a Sunrise or an Eagle soaring in the sky. Likewise, seeing a person of passionate vision achieving a goal is also exciting. However, the Sun doesn't rise out of the Universe it has been set in, and the Eagle knows its limits. If you feel like you are growing weary or perhaps you are in a state of confusion, take a minute to stop and consider your trajectory. Don't worry about losing momentum because just like the eclipse on Monday, it will probably only last a figurative few minutes.

Some things in life are out of your control. You can make it a party or a tragedy.

So tonight, Chris and I will be drinking, you guessed it, a Solar Eclipse Cocktail. Why not give into the hype, since it only happens a few times in our lives? We will toast to our callings in life, and to watching our behavior when they become challenged. Here's to you always moving past anything that tries to eclipse you, with a lasting and joyous perspective. Cheers, Friends.

The Solar Eclipse Cocktail**
1 1/2 oz sloe gin
1/2 oz Gin
1/2 oz grenadine syrup
1 cherry
One large Orange Slice

Shake and strain the sloe gin and gin into a cordial glass containing the cherry. Gently sink the grenadine until just covering the cherry. Garnish with half a slice of orange, and serve.

**Always drink responsibly.

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