Friday, August 31, 2012

I Heart Labor: Confessions of a Workaholic

It's the Friday of Labor Day Weekend and time for another Friday Night Cocktail at the Henderson's.  Okay, we confess - Chip and I really are not very good at relaxing.  I am far worse at it than him. We always seem to have to be doing something laborious, no matter what day or hour of the week it is.  If we are awake, we are laboring.  To us, the word ‘Labor’ does not bring a difficult connotation to mind.  Labor is how you get to results.  Labor produces something.  Labor makes things happen. It’s not a burden or an abuse, it’s a way to prove your worth and show your substance to the world around you.  We work for companies; we work for ourselves, but in the end, our labor is part of the definition of what we will leave behind in this world one day.  So tonight, we toast to labor and all our fellow laborers out there.  Here’s to all the things you will labor to accomplish this weekend, or the many labors which will be the beginning of great things to come.  We are drinking something called, “Workaholic”, because good labor is addicting, and it's the kind of addiction that brings rewards. We are using Abe Lincoln as a backdrop, because in his own way, he helped make sure that every human was free to pursue the fruit of their labors.  CHEERS FRIENDS!

Joy's "Workaholic" Cocktail

1 oz Gin
1 oz Vodka
Sparkling White Wine
Blue Curacao

Chill the glasses.  Add Gin, Vodka and fill the glasses the rest of the way with the Sparkling Wine. Carefully add the Grenadine and then the Curacao.  Drink up and rest up for tomorrow's work day!   

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