Friday, October 4, 2013

When a shutdown isn't a bad thing...

It's Friday, and time for another 'Friday Night Thought-tale' at the Henderson's. As much as I tried not to, it was nearly impossible not to think about the term 'shutdown' this week.  By midweek, I had just about had enough of all the banter and B.S.  As I was musing in the backyard among the lovely Autumn surroundings, I breathed deeply and thought about how wonderful it is just to take a little break from hectivity and let my mind rest.  'Now this is what a shutdown should be', I thought to myself.  A time to stop, consider the correction and then proceed with rejuvenation.  

Yes, shutdown's are all not so bad.

I considered the Hebrew word for such a thing - Selah.  There is some debate, but most scholars believe it to mean 'Pause for a moment and think about it'.  It's the kind of break that I refer to as a 'pregnant pause' - full of growth and anticipation.  There's stuff going on there, not just a cleansing breath.  It's meant to get you focused and take something forward with you when you go on - and to make the going on even better.
It seems that the way our 'shutdown' is being portrayed is more like a 'Going Out of Business Sale'.  Not the ones that certain furniture stores do that are only a way to make you think there's a bargain, but the real ones that mean it's closing for good.  

It's like life support is being removed, and you should prepare for impending doom.  

This attitude about shutting down creates fear and anxiety - far from the actual reality of what is happening during the pause.  It's a threat, not a thoughtful pause.  The better term would be 'strike'. Something needs to happen, or it's over...  The something is we need to get back to work...So in reality, it is a fake 'Going Out of Business Sale'.
Perhaps we need to remember that our intent when shutting down is the most important part of the action.  We are not 'finished' or 'closed'; we are just taking a breather.  

It's the 'gone fishing' sign, 

not the 'closed for good' one.

Like my dear sis said when getting back from her vacation recently, "we needed a break without a schedule".  Good shutdowns have a silent time limit and a bit of a hidden agenda.  Perhaps the secret is never to allow yourself to get to the point where you have so exhausted yourself that you can't or should not start again.  That's coming to the end of your rope so to speak, and you are the only person who knows where that is.  

That is a long overdue kind of shutdown.

So here's to allowing ourselves to take a brief shutdown of our own when needed in our lives, and supporting it happening in the lives of others. I made something tonight I call the 'End of my rope' cocktail.  I hope I've given you a bit of a pregnant pause in your manic social media moments, so you don't come to the end of yours. If not, then SELAH....CHEERS FRIENDS!

End of My Rope Cocktail

1 oz of Missouri Whiskey

1/2 oz of Rum
1/2 oz of Tequila
1/2 oz of Apple Pie
Splash of Old Fashioned Mixer

Put the first four things in a shaker with plenty of ice.  Shake hard.  Pour into a martini glass and splash with the Mixer.  Garnish and enjoy.

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