Friday, December 29, 2017

A Joyous Perspective On Year Ends: This side of 55.

It's the last Friday of the year, and time for another Friday Night Thought Tale Hour with the Hendersons. My birthday happens to be January 1st, which means the end of a year means the beginning of another one on two fronts. I've been musing about my 57th year as I prepare to take on 58. I looked back over my blogs, and I found some pretty sweet moments and tidbits of wisdom I gathered and planted during the year. So I thought that tonight, I'd share with you some of my favorites to see if you agree. Or, maybe you can add them to your list of things to try in the coming year, and see if they stick:

Things you stop doing when you're on the other side of 55.

I do not wait for a special occasion; I burn the best candles on ordinary days. Every day is a gift.

I do not wait for the house to be clean; I fill it with people who understand that there's dust because there is activity.

I do not wait for everyone to understand me; It’s just not their task. It's mine to offer compassion even when others just don't get me.

I do not wait for  for the perfect children; my children have their own names that burn as brightly as any star. They are my legacy, and I am proud to have one in them.

I do not wait for the other shoe to drop; It already did, and I survived. I'll get through it.

I do not wait for the time to be right; the time is always now. Grab it while it's there to be taken.

I do not wait for my mate to complete me; I am not a percentage or a piece of something. I am whole on my own.

I do not wait for a quiet moment; my heart can be stilled whenever
I decide for it to be. I just need to decide.

I do not wait for  to do something great; being awake to carry my grain of sand is enough. It's got the potential to be a pearl if I can just be patient.

I do not wait to be recognized; I know that I am doing my best at all times, and I appreciate myself for that truth. I get to own that fact, whether anyone else chooses to or not.

I am no longer waiting for Forgiveness. I believe that I have already been given the forgiveness I need to live this life with Grace as my guide. I believe.

Tonight, I will be eating dinner with members of my lovely family at one of our favorite restaurants in town. My thoughts will be full as I bask in the light of starting another year feeling better than I did at the beginning of it. When you can start a little better, that's always a good thing. Here's to your end, and to the New Year filled with the opportunity to begin and end well. Cheers, Friends!

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