Friday, October 26, 2018

A Joyous Perspective on Commitment: It ain't over, even when it's over.

It's Friday, and time for another Friday Night Thought Tale Hour with the Hendersons. I have been through one of those weeks where I found myself a little bit up and a little bit down. I had a few moments and hours this week when I had to pull myself along to the next commitment or opportunity. This is not usual for me, and I honestly do not know what to attribute it to. Perhaps it's the weather change or me just adjusting to new roles and responsibilities in my life - but whatever it is - it made its mark on me this week. So tonight, I thought I would share with you the six little but powerful words that seemed to pull me through. And the three significant reasons they are good ones for you to keep in your motivational arsenal.


A simple statement, and accurate as long as you have not crawled into bed and fallen into REM sleep. If you are like most humans, that nagging feeling of doom and downtrod is not the best state of mind to find good rest within. I'm a proponent of working it out before
you try to close your eyes. As Phyllis Diller said, "Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight!" And for me, a commitment is something you make and stick with - long after the mood leaves you.

So here are three reasons to fight your way through the day not being over yet, and not giving in to being done:

1) When I remember the day is not over yet, I am reminded that I have a choice.

When I’m not having a good day, I can choose what happens from that moment when I take it back into my control. I can decide to throw the day away, or I can make a different choice and try to find a way to make the day count. It might be a lower count than I hoped, but it will still be worth counting.

2) It reminds me to do something (or many things) each day that may be meaningful to me.

It can be easy to fall into the habit of living each day on autopilot, but this 6-word mantra makes me re-evaluate how I’ve been spending my “life-minutes.” It reminds me to be intentional about making this day - and each day - count for me.

3) It reminds me to be grateful for each day, no matter what. 

Alice Morse Earle wrote, “Every day may not be good…but there’s something good in every day.” 

Even this cheerful personality struggles with this from time to time. And when I do, pulling these six words out of my struggling mind opens my eyes to the reality of all I have to be grateful for. And like finding the ingredients you forgot about in your cupboard, it sparks the option to create something good from what you discovered.

No matter what has happened so far in your day, if you want to make the rest of your day count, you can!

Yeah, it's near the day or week's end, but try taking a look up instead of looking over. Need some action suggestions?

Do something kind for yourself.

Do something thoughtful and generous for someone else.

Do something productive.

Do something you wouldn’t usually do.

Do something. 
Anything that is meaningful for you. Something that makes you

feel like you’ve made the rest of the day count.

So whatever time you’re reading this, whatever has happened today, know that there is always time to make the day count.

The day doesn’t have to be over yet.

It’s up to you what happens now. I thought that the right cocktail for tonight would be a Tequilla Sunrise. After all, it's the Sunrise that tells us there's always another day to either continue or start over. After all, there's still Baseball to watch tonight, and it is far from over. So here's to a season that never ends, and the eternal hope that Spring Training will be here soon. Cheers, Friends.

Joy's Tequilla Sunrise

1.5 oz of Reposito Tequilla
3 parts orange juice (Fresh squeezed is best(
1 part Cherry Juice
1/2 oz of Triple Sec

Fill a glass with ice, then add the ingredients in order. I prefer to stir mine gently before drinking.

**Always drink responsibly.

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