Friday, November 16, 2018

A Joyous Perspective on Life Rules: The ABC's continued

It's Friday, and time for another Friday Night Thought Tale Hour with the Hendersons. Last week I began sharing with you some of my basic life rules that help to guide me and underscore my joyous perspective. We stopped at H for "help" (never be afraid to ask for it or to give it). I'll continue this week with "I" through "O," which happen to contain some of my personal favorites, including, you guessed it, JOY :). But before we begin, I want to remind you of an important fact: 

"There, but for the Grace of God, go I."

Words attributed to John Bradford, a Preacher, who said this while watching some prisoners being led to the scaffold. Later, when Bradford's time came to be martyred, he is said to have told a fellow prisoner meeting the same appointment, ""We shall have a merry supper with the Lord this night." I share this to restate again and again that we all go through times of turmoil and struggle, those dark nights of the soul. Even as I write this, I am carrying a few burdens that challenge me to read and believe the words I am writing so enthusiastically to you. But that is the basis for why I
continue to write this blog and seek ways to share tips to life I learn along the way, because as I mentioned last week:

We’re all just walking each other home at the end of the day. That’s what it’s all about.

So keep this in mind as you continue to consider the following ABC's of life:


Commit to starting and ending your day with inspiration. One minute of inspiration can ignite a passion inside of you that can alter the course of your life forever. If it's good stuff, share it. I started doing this a few years back, and it's been a real inspiration to me. Motivation is what charges us. When we are charged we grow. 

It might surprise you that it's especially hard to do this when people expect it of you. Some days, I have to choose to become joyful and appreciate the gift of life. Each moment is precious, and fragile, and denied to many. Laugh and smile, have fun and lighten up. If you see someone walking around without a smile, offer them one of yours. It could change their whole day.

I truly believe that kindness is the only thing that will change and save the world. Tiny acts of kindness create ripples so far and wide, we can’t begin to comprehend just how far and wide they can reach. The kindness that is difficult to extend is the best type, because you are doing it in spite of the rejection that might take place. Do it anyway.

Lessons are all around us. Failure can become our most excellent teacher. Mistakes can become our greatest mentors. Make sure you spend time with people who know more than you. It’s humbling and awe-inspiring. Each day, record one new thing you didn’t know before. Learn from every resource, even those that seem annoying.

Slow down. Take time to breathe. Dedicate a set time each day to pausing, being truly present, and listening to your soul and inner wisdom. I utilize Yoga for this, but you can do it just sitting in your comfy chair. Just do it.

Never give up. Never do a permanent act based on a temporary feeling. Never say, “It’s impossible” when really, it’s just hard. Never listen to naysayers and non-believers. Never push aside a dream that means the world to you because of the time or effort it’s going to take to make it happen. If today, “Never” is all you do, it’s more than enough, it’s plenty; in fact, it’s everything.

When we are optimistic, failure is merely feedback giving us significant information; hardships are learning experiences that help us grow and build resilience for bigger things, and even the
most miserable day always holds the promise that “tomorrow will be better.”

The optimist knows that a few steps backward after moving forwards is not a disaster, it’s just a cha-cha.

Just depends on your perspective...

So tonight, Chris and I will be drinking a Craft beer from Triptych called, "Not Giants, But Windmills." I like the name because it reminds me, as I look out over the flatlands of Central Illinois, that perspective really is everything. Those Windmills could really look like Giants if you use your imagination. Why not? Cheers.

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