Friday, August 7, 2015

A Joyous Perspective on Wine-Making: Every Wine tells a story.

Our latest creation, waiting.
It's Friday, and time for another Friday Night Thought Tale Hour with the Henderson's.  Tonight, we are thinking about Wine, and specifically, creating a wine that tells a story.  I heard this line in the movie, "Sideways", 'Every Wine tells a story', and as a wine lover and maker, it made me smile. The actress was referencing how the ingredients can are unique to their history, the place they were grown, how they were combined. But for Chris and I, our wine making can go even deeper. We just won't make a wine unless it has a story. It's an important motivation to find just the right ingredients to match a title to the tales it will tell. Once again, we are about to bottle another special blend. This one took a year of planning before its birthdate. But first, here's a look at the first two vintages we released over the past few years.

It was apparent from the beginning....

Our first meeting.
When our son Jeremy and his lovely wife Kim announced their marriage date for June 2011, we decided it would be a nice idea to create a wine using fruit from our orchard that would tell the story of the love they shared. "Appearently"(misspelling intentional) which focused on how the apple and pear, while unique, came together to compliment each other: Perfectly. 

Both are strong enough to stand alone but alike enough to be a complimentary blend. Brought together, they are a  powerful combination. Yes, it was very 'apparent'.  This wine told the story of the relationship of our Jeremy and Kim. We bottled and served it at the rehearsal dinner we hosted. It was a beautiful way to express our support and excitement for their union and their future.

Love is a magnet for opposites...

In March 2012, we found out that we would have the opportunity to create another
wine, with the announcement of a wedding for our daughter Michaela and her wonderful Phil.  We put our heads together. Here were two very different people and so many ways, and yet, no one could overlook the incredible love and commitment that surrounded this couple. Phil's stabilizing force anchored Michaela and gave her a new calm. Michaela's passion and zest for life allowed Phil to loosen up and spread his wings.  Who would have thought that a boy  that never wondered far from St. Louis would end up with a California girl?  But here it was.  We needed to tell the story of how opposites more than attract, they stick.

When my father offered to press juice from his vineyard in California and send it to us, the story began to take shape. Thompson Seedless Grapes, very sweet and white to represent Michaela, and through the wonder of online ordering, Norton grape juice from Southern Missouri to represent Phil.  A blend that gives off a beautiful red color. A sweetheart of a blend - and so the name was born. 

We served the many bottles created at their wedding reception. I still receive compliments not only on the wine but the story and basis behind it.

And now, it's time for an election year dandy...

After a few years of grandchildren keeping us busy, we started to feel again the pull toward creating another vintage. We had collected some sweet wild apples, dark blue wild concords and were looking at a Tart Cherry tree in our yard that was bursting with fruit. Red cherries, white apples, and blue grapes. A patriotic melody. So we processed the fruit and began the brewing process on - wait for it....The 4th of July. A true Yankee Doodle Dandy. So that will be its name, and it will be ready this November, one year prior to our national elections. We'll save a bottle or two for that big night. Whether we are laughing or crying, we'll be toasting to Uncle Sam. 

So we toast tonight to making wine that tells a story.  It's a great adventure friends, and one we would encourage. It allows you to put a piece of yourself into a story that you may only be watching from afar but cheering on with everything you've got. I found two interestingly named vintages for our cocktail tonight. Both from the same Vinter, 'Tait'. One called "Ball Buster" and another called "The Wild Ride". I would love to hear their stories, and I'll start with taking a sip. CHEERS, FRIENDS!***

***Always drink responsibly. Never drive after drinking.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ah cheers! I attest, these are some good blends. May we the American people learn to love and blend our hearts together this election season, as in the way Joy and Chris have loved and blended their wine. For "a kingdom divided cannot stand."

    5“Come, eat my food
    and drink the wine I have mixed.
    6Leave your simple ways and you will live;
    walk in the way of insight.”

    7Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults;
    whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse.

    8Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you;
    rebuke the wise and they will love you.

    9Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;
    teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.

    10The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
    and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.


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