Friday, September 4, 2015

A Joyous Perspective on Labor: Building Sweat Equity in the World Around Me.

It's Labor Day Weekend and time for another Friday Night Thought Tale Hour at the Henderson's.  This one finds us in a celebratory mode as we will be honoring the birthday's of both our Granddaughter and one of my best soul sisters. Now before you think this means I'll be laying around for Labor Day, you need to think again. You see, I'm not a very good "relaxer and take it easy" person. I find sitting around and doing nothing to be something that causes me more anxiety than finding a task and working on it.  Relaxing makes me tired. Laboring makes me vibrant. I'm a fan of productions. So give me an extra day to my weekend and I'll give you one more day of stuff I did.

As many of my dear friends and family know, the one who suffers most in this is my dear husband, Chris. You see,  I make everyone around me feel like they too should be actively engaged in a project - and, preferably something I want to be done... Because,

"Hello, my name is Joy, 

and I'm a workaholic...." 

It's taken me a fairly long time to come to this realization, and not to make light of other addictions, but it's a tough burden to carry.  While others dream of laying in a hammock on a beach or a lazy ride on a boat in their retirement, I feel a little nauseous at the thought of having nothing to do...Unlike other developed afflictions, I am beginning to think you are born with this one: A worker mind. From a young age, we workaholics find stuff to do, and get pretty bored with cartoons and naps. We enlist as many as possible in our codependency ranks - 'I can help with that'....'Let me know if you need help'....'I'm here to help'....  I can feel the angry stare even now of my dear husband, who hears me say that much more than he wishes I did.... Even as I plan a weekend away....

But after all, good labor is lasting, right?

I've always believed that good labor produces something.  Labor makes things happen. It’s not a burden or an abuse, it’s a way to prove your worth and show your substance to the world around you.  We work for companies; we work for ourselves, but in the end, our labor is part of the definition of what we will leave behind in this world one day.  Hmmm... I find my seasoned mind questioning some of this reasoning.   I find myself wondering how I can assure that however many ounces of sweat I have left in me are used to water the right dry grounds around me.  In the same way my little girl body felt limited by all the things she wanted to do with her efforts but just couldn't muster the strength, my aging body is starting to let me know it won't last forever.  And it doesn't take a genius to see the ruins of
great works built by other workaholics that are now but a memory.  It's brought me to a new perspective, that I'm going to continue to invest in this holiday weekend, dedicated to Labor:

Perhaps the most valued labors are the smallest ones.

As I completed my canning of the fruits from my garden's harvest, I felt something that I did not let go unnoticed this time.  It's a feeling of accomplishment that I'm quite certain our culture has gotten far too automated to realize.  Not to resurrect my thoughts on gardening, but that kind of labor is a big part of what I mean.  Perhaps for you, it's gathering wood and tools to create a piece of furniture or putting together a lesson plan for those in your classroom, but it's all part of the small labors I'm beginning to see are the most lasting.  They exponentially touch people lives, and usually multiply into other inspired labors.  The best part is they are works that can be contributed to no matter your physical condition, even if you might just be the one giving directions.  It makes me happy to know that I will always be able to find this because a workaholic must have their fix, or they become pretty cranky, and pace....a lot.

So let us bask in our sweat.

I come from a long line of Neanderthal's who were the ones who assured there
was wood for the fire and seed for the garden.  This holiday is our special time to get, not an extra day of rest in, but an extra day of good weather to do all the projects that need to be completed before the bad weather sets in.  Don't worry, we'll still find a way to accomplish much in the snow, wind and rain, it will just require extra clothing.

So tonight, we toast to labor and all our fellow laborers out there.  Here’s to all the things you will labor to accomplish this weekend, especially the small seeds of things you will plant, whether in thought or soil.  We are drinking a cocktail I created called, “Workaholic" which will assure that I am sitting, at least until it's effects wear off. And then off to the next project….CHEERS FRIENDS!

Joy's "Workaholic" Cocktail**

1 oz Gin
1 oz Vodka
Sparkling White Wine
Blue Curacao

Chill the glasses.  Add Gin, Vodka and fill the glasses the rest of the way with the Sparkling Wine. Carefully add the Grenadine and then the Curacao.  Drink up and rest up for tomorrow's work day!  

**Always drink responsibly. Never drive after drinking.

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