Friday, December 11, 2015

A Joyous Perspective on Life's Nice Surprises: Reminding myself that they are out there...

Mr and Mrs., 2002 and present. We've been good
for each other.
It's Friday, and time for another Friday Night Thought Tale Hour with the Henderson's. Do you ever think that you might be getting to an age where nothing can surprise you? That you've got so much experience with the mundane and the sensational that you simply can no longer be shocked? We grown ups watch the youthful astonishment as holiday gifts are opened, not able to remember the last time we were surprised by a gift. We grow to be more expectant of some unfortunate surprises we need to remove from life. It begins to cloud those that we can embrace. It can start to make you a little cynical, and even steal from the joy of attempting to create a pleasant surprise for someone else. In this season of magical times with those we love, surprises can add so much to the memories we make.
That's why this week, I wanted to touch on the importance of remaining expectant of life's little sweet surprises. I hope I can encourage you to find them around you, and even to create some opportunities for the unexpected to give you a reason to smile.

“Surprise, surprise, surprise!”   -Gomer Pile

We all know that life is full of surprises. The key element is that we never quite know when or where,  but there are truly endless surprises that are found around you. Surprises can be around any corner just
waiting for you. It easy to forget how many unplanned events await us. You'll miss them sometime if you even blink, or close your eyes in boredom. You may have stopped looking. You walk right past life’s surprises in the rush and the scurry of your routines.  It could be you just stopped believing in surprises altogether. It's, all the same, old news, same old calendar, same old - same old.... That can make you age before your time.

Real life example: I got stuck in a rut, and a surprise pulled me right out.

Yes, Miss Joyous gets hit with the blahs too. For instance, this last weekend, I found myself facing the annual task of decorating for the holidays. As I had just been reminding everyone about how we need to not over-season the season, I was determined not to wear myself out. But with over 30 large tubs of
decorations in the warehouse, I quickly realized that was going to be a challenge. Chris and I loaded up the truck (3 times), and I found myself in a somewhat automatic mode as I was going through the boxes. I just wasn't feeling it. But then, life reached up and smacked me on the head with a nice little surprise. One of the red and green tubs, clearly marked 'Tree Decor', was slid over to me by Chris. "This one is full of clothes," he grumbled with frustration. I reached over and peeked in. Could it be? A box of very nice clothes, of a size that I had once thought I would not return to, sat there full in front of me. They were things I had been certain had gotten lost or I had inadvertently given to donation. Instantly, I was giddy. I ran into the house to begin trying on my lost treasures. And guess what? They all fit! Life had found the perfect moment to surprise me, and at a time that I could fully appreciate the bolt out of the blue. 

Do the surprises find us, or do we just have to change 

our perspective and find them?

Imagine if you woke up excited believing that each day
was full of surprises waiting for you to discover?   If instead of your head pointed down as you follow your tired routine, you look around for a reason to open your eyes with a giggle. 
Here is my challenge/suggestion. Try some simple things each day over the next 21 days. That will bring you right up to the New Year, and who knows, it might become a habit. Here're a few simple ways to do this. 

  • Write yourself a little note that you keep somewhere that you'll see first in the morning. It will say, "Today, I will find a some nice surprises." Read it every morning.
  • Look around to those you interact with daily. Slow down and find the hidden treasures with people you already know. Listen to them and note your new surprises about their life.
  • Watch a child play. You'll be surprised at what you will learn about finding ways to have fun.
  • Look up and see the unique beauty in your partner that only you know. Feel that tingle? Catch a glimpse and get surprised by the amazing person in your life. 

Just try each morning to start your day excited because you are about to be surprised!  You have no idea what you will discover. There are great surprises are waiting; you can find yourself smiling. You can see a client who appreciates your efforts, a boss that knows your skills, an employee who will go the extra mile for you, a neighbor who offers a hand.The beauty of your life can grow. It can surprise you more with each day.

But you do gotta believe, 

without putting expectations on others.

It all starts with your belief. You are the one that is
responsible for finding and embracing life's nice surprises. It's not up to others to surprise you or make you smile. That's the cool thing about these surprises. You help create them because your perspective helps you see them. Believe that there are surprises, and you will discover them.  Large or small, it doesn’t matter.  Each surprise you discover will strengthen your spirit.  Each surprise will make it easier to find the next one.  Find them moment by moment and day by day. Soon, you will expect them, and own those expectations.

 Surprises: your life is full of them.

I'm feeling fortunate to be wonderfully reminded this week of life's opportunities for delightful surprises. Tomorrow, I will join some friends in celebrating the birthday of one of the best surprises life has given me, my wonderful man, Chris. Like most of life's nice surprises, I wasn't looking for him when I found him, but he has continued to give me the kind of love that I only dreamed could exist in my life. He is often the source of many a delightful surprise as I walk through life with him. So tonight, we will toast to the many nice little surprises life has given us. Our cocktail will be something I call "Surprise Me". It's based on those times when I ask Henderson "What do you want to drink?", and he replies, "Surprise me." And then, I happily comply. CHEERS, FRIENDS!

Joy's Surprise Me Cocktail***
2 oz of Sobieski Vodka (you can add a flavor if you want. tonight, I'm using Cherry)
2 oz DeKuyper flavored schnapps (whatever you've got. Tonight, we are using Apricot)
1 oz Captain Morgan spiced rum (you always have this)
2 splash Triple Sec (standard)
4 oz cranberry or cherry juice (either is great, but tonight, I'm using Pomegranate)

Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice cubes. Shake, pour into highball glass, serve. Ice can be added to the highball glass to serve it on the rocks. Garnish with an umbrella. That is always a surprise!

**Always drink responsibly. Never drive after drinking alcohol.

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