Friday, February 26, 2016

A Joyous Perspective on Being a World Changer: One human at a time.

You, and your smile.
This week's Thought Tale Hour comes to you from the warm and sunny household of my son and his lovely wife. I've been spending the week with my two toddler grandsons and relishing every minute. Realizing that my influence upon them at this time in their lives is limited due to distance and time, I find myself trying to make each day full of the best kind of love this grandma has to offer. As I considered my time with them, it got me thinking about how important it is to assist in the upbringing of a future generation of leaders. And I am only one person, so how much can I contribute? But then, I remembered a quote from a great "influencer of humans," Mother Teresa:

Deo and I petting Goats.

“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”

Life is complicated. My grandchildren will face obstacles that I can't even begin to imagine. The world’s problems are extremely complex now, and they will only continue to become more so. But what if you could help solve the world’s problems? What if you were a world changer, one person at a time? One little person, or medium or large size person.

Have you ever found yourself thinking you aren't doing anything significant or worthwhile in this world because you are not working in refugee camps or stopping genocides? I have felt that way in my life because I hadn’t done something “major” to help the world.  But we are discounting the work you are doing to your home and family, within your community of friends, within your neighborhood.  There is an impact that your everyday acts of service and love can make.

Granddaughter Violet loves shiny things.
 When you get down to it, to “change the world” means to make a change to better one person’s world.

By helping one person feel special, loved, and important, you are changing the world for one individual at a time. It reminds me of one time, almost eight years ago, that I was sitting at the funeral services for my son at the cemetery. It was a military funeral, and the atmosphere was heavy with sorrow at the loss of one so young and full of promise. And yet, there was an air of honor for the service and sacrifice he had made for his country. I felt like I was in a fog, but was intently aware of the hundreds of eyes that were one me as I reached out and accepted the folded flag that had draped his casket. My entire soul ached, and I didn't know if I could ever move from that spot. But instead of looking forward, something drew my eyes to the left. And
there stood a group of some of my husband's oldest friends, who were now my dear friends too. One of them looked straight into my gaze and smiled. It was a genuine smile, and for me, it radiated a single word: Hope. I was still in pain and full of overwhelming feelings of loss, but in that second, I believed I could, and would, go on. I smiled back. I believed.

A real, genuine smile is contagious, it spreads to all
who observe it, and that’s what happened that day.

His smile spread to me, and I became uplifted. Eight years later, I still think about that incident and try to smile with that intention as I go about my day. I meet the eyes of everyone I can and give them a hopeful smile. Once again, I think of Mother Teresa as she cared for thousands over the years, but she cared for and loved one individual at a time. She said, “There are no great deeds. Only small deeds are done with great love.”

We may not stop genocides or serve those in the refugee camps today, but we can do something for someone today. Not only does that mean you are not insignificant, but it means that you can, in fact, change someone’s world every single day.
Bonus daughter Aubree: World Changer.

Perhaps we just need to change our mind about what it means to change the world.

Why not start calling yourself a “world changer.” It might feel awkward at first, but slowly, you will begin to believe it. Thinking you can change your world will transform the world. You make the world a better place each time you serve or love someone else. Then those people you serve will share that love with others, starting a ripple of love.

As more and more ripples form, aided by the winds of time, they will create a potential storm of love that will crash along the shores of humanity, washing away the evil and the rough edges, leaving a new shoreline, a stronger world.

And it starts with the time you spend with your grandkids, or kids or nephews and nieces. Changing the world begins at home with ourselves and our families, expanding out with the ripple effect, creating a storm and changing the world for one person at a time with each kind word and act of love given to a stranger or friend.

One action or grand gesture alone won’t change the
whole world, but it can alter the world for someone, who will change it for someone else, who will change is for someone else, and on and on.

Just like that friend's smile started a ripple by changing my day eight years ago, changing the world will involve many people doing many small acts of love to accomplish great things and lasting change. Changing the world starts at home. It begins with you.

So tonight, we will be toasting to being "World
Changers", as we drink something I call "Joy's Little Ripples of Light." It is a sparkly and shiny drink that won't leave us feeling like we can't be ready to take on the next opportunity to make a difference in the lives of one, or more, humans in our path. CHEERS, FRIENDS!

"Joy's Little Ripples of Light"**
1 1/2 oz dark rum
1 oz Prosecco (or more if you want less Rum)
1/2 oz Disaronno liqueur
1/2 oz triple sec
2 dashes orange bitters
1/2 oz lemon juice

Shake all ingredients except for Prosecco in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a tall glass full of ice. Top with Prosecco. Garnish with an orange twist.

**Always drink responsibly. Never drive anything after drinking alcohol.


  1. Your smile has always been contagious to me..😎

  2. Thank you brother. It runs in the family <3

  3. This reminds me of that awesome poster you once gave me that said,
    "If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character.
    If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home.
    If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nations.
    When there is order in the nations, there will peace in the world"
    -Kong fu z

    1. That's a beautiful thought and memory! Thank you Marty. Love you.


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