Friday, July 26, 2019

A Joyous Perspective on Stretching: Relaxation is who you are.

For tonight's Friday Night Thought Tale Hour with the Henderson's, we are combining one of our favorite events with a lovely subject: relaxation. It sounds like such a simple thing to do after a long week, doesn't it? But for most of us, our lives are anything but simple (by design) and getting to a place where we are truly relaxed often takes more effort than it appears to be worth. As I considered the subject of 'stretching' this week on my Joyous Perspective page, I thought a lot about how the action of 'stretching' eventually takes us to a place of feeling relaxed. But the process of getting there is filled with discomfort. In those discomfort zones, we are learning the most about who we really are, and how we need to grow. Stretching takes effort, which seems the opposite of relaxing. Which is why we skip over it and just go to wherever we think it is that feels 'comfortable' to us. And keeps us in a cycle of anything but fully relaxing.

We remain a little tense - and maintain a little fear - which we
believe will protect us from.....

Fill in your blank. Getting hurt. Looking silly. Being embarrassed. Losing face. It's not terrible to feel this way, but it could be limiting. It's not life-threatening, but it could be making you unhealthy. It's not boring, but there could be a lot more fun out there for you to experience. And while you believe who you really are is when you are intense and 'in the zone,' consider these words:

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” ~Chinese Proverb

Yes, the first part of stretching is learning to let go a little.

You will never be able to find your stretch, and your potential, if you are afraid of letting go. 

So how can we ease into stretching ourselves just enough 

to grow,but not to end up injured?

Pushing your boundaries, physically, emotionally or intellectually
requires you take some time - to be honest about your current condition. This act is one of the most difficult parts of the entire process. When we find ourselves all motivated to do something, like stretching, we humans have a tendency to overdo, because we are not realistic about our goals. Think about times in your life when you have successfully achieved something. Something that lasted. Did you get there going full speed ahead, or did you gradually get there over time? In other words...

You don't have to throw yourself into a backbend. 

Just start with lifting your arms overhead.

Stretching yourself in an area you want to grow in doesn't require you to go big. Start small and slow. Afterward, evaluate how it felt. Congratulate yourself. Yes, that's right, pat yourself on the back. Don't wait for someone else to do it for you. Who knows better than you what it takes to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone? Then enjoy the relaxation that comes after the stretch. Own it. And remember, that's when you are really yourself. Nice huh?

So tonight, Chris and I will be doing some relaxing while drinking something I call "The Big Stretch" cocktail. We won't have to push ourselves too hard to enjoy it, which isn't a big stretch for you to imagine right? Cheers, Friends.

Joy's Big Stretch Cocktail**

(serves 2)

2 oz of 12-year-old Canadian Whiskey
1 oz of Amaretto
8 oz of Fresh Lemonade

Fill two highball glasses with ice. Add each ingredient, then garnish with a strawberry or an orange. 

**Always drink responsibly. Never drive after drinking alcohol.  

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