Friday, September 2, 2016

A Joyous Perspective on Support: It's the best kind of labor!

On this Friday Night Thought Tale Hour with the Henderson's, we find ourselves on the eve of an American holiday weekend. It's Labor Day Weekend when we Laborers get a day off (hopefully), and we band together to rejoice in our relaxations. This week, as I put my focus on the subject of 'Support' on my Joyous Perspective page, I realized how much labor can go into the support of others. And more that just that, how much support is involved in labor. So I decided to make tonight's Thought Tale an ode to a celebration of the best kind - "Labors of Love". Whether for pay, play or platitudes, they are all the best kind of support we can provide, aren't they?

And before you think you don't have any love for your job, hang on a second...

Some of us can easily find ways we labor in love while we
are also employed. But for others, it's not so apparent. Yes, I am currently incredibly fortunate to be in a role where I get paid to labor in a job I love, but I have also had the experience of gritting my teeth as I went to work each day. Perhaps because you are in between jobs, or you have volunteered to help out with something you don't like, or the person who ultimately benefits from your efforts is a real Doozy (difficult or daunting)... I've been in all three. But even in those times, you can find the source of love in your supportive labors. 

Because at the end of the day, you get an "A" for effort.

It's not easy to commit to something and follow through with it daily when it doesn't bring you any joy. That kind of effort takes a strong fortitude that should remind you of something important. It's not always necessary to see the love of your labors outwardly. Sometimes, it's a secret you keep to yourself. Whether it is the love you have for those you support and who depend on you or just the love you have for your character and reputation, there is love there. So kudos to you who currently labor in something that is not exactly your passion.

But never stop looking for that thing that will make your heart sing. 

You know that place you go when you are musing and imagining yourself doing something you love? The place where you are happy and feeling fulfilled? Does it seem far away and out of reach? Well, even if you have to revamp it to fit reality, the components that you can keep need to become a part of your life - sooner vs. later. And whether it initially is a labor that doesn't yield anything of monetary value or something you have to prepare for first, you should make this year's Labor Day resolution to not face the next one without it. Make Monday, September 5th, 2016 the day you resolved to begin working on your own Labor of Love. 

And find those who will support you in your journey. I do.

So tonight, Chris and I will toast to our own personal Labor's of Love with a drink I am calling "Just Peachy". "Peachy" is my term for how I feel about my current labors and the joy I get to find in them. May you find yourself there now, or resolve to be there for your next Labor Day Weekend. CHEERS, FRIENDS!

Joy's Just Peachy Cocktail***

1 oz of Peach Schnapps
1 oz of Peach Vodka
2 oz of Prosecco
Peach Juice to fill
Peach for garnish

Place each ingredient in a flute, finish with peach juice and garnish with a peach. 

***Always drink responsibly. Never drive after drinking alcohol. 

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