Friday, March 2, 2018

A Joyous Perspective On Those Little Things That Can Mess Up a Day (or your life).

It's Friday, and time for another Friday Night Thought Tale Hour with the Hendersons. I've had one of those weeks when I had to deal with being sidetracked by feelings and challenges. It seemed not to matter how much I planned ahead or attempted to be proactive. I still found myself burdened with a little flu bug, a little frustration, a little disappointment and a little sadness. Everything came in these small doses, but they also seemed to be parading through my life like a trail of worker Ants. I found myself on Thursday morning, 4:30 am, feeling depleted and hurting. Not just in my old joints, but in the pit of my soul as well. I sat up and held my head in my hands, and just quieted my mind. What I heard back gave me a little shock:

"How can you heal if you do not listen to your wounds?"

Wounds? I thought. I'd just been a little sick, a little frustrated, a little... How could I say I was wounded? I mean, I know what wounded is. I've got the scares the prove it. How could this smallish thing leave a wound in my big ol' spirit? But as I took a deep breath in and felt the tears welled up in my eyes, I knew the woundedness was real.

Why is it we get to a place where we think 

we're beyond letting little things mess up our lives?

Maybe because we've survived a lot or overcame some pretty huge challenges and it seems this little thing should be a hiccup. It's hard not to buy into all the praise that gets thrown your way by your supporting cast which tells you how amazingly strong you are and how admirable your courage is. They are certainly sincere, and one does find joy in considering that perhaps something terrible you've come through would help encourage another. 
That's okay, but when you forget that you are still carrying the wounds and start thinking you're all good, even the smallest crack in the sidewalk of life can waylay you.

And you find yourself face down on the sidewalk just getting through the day.

And get through the messy day you do, but if you don't want to continue to be tripped up by the little things, then you have to take some time to listen to your wounds. To be alone with your thoughts and do a little reflective listening:

What brought up this feeling or ache?
What triggered it? A conversation, a memory, a social media post? It doesn't have to be big. In fact, it probably is small. Identify it.

Can I put a name on it? "I am a little:______"
Sometimes we avoid admitting we are sad, angry, anxious, sick. The more we ignore these things when they are small, the stronger they become.

What can I do about the basis of this feeling today?
Am I trying to blame someone or control something? Do I need to make a correction or an apology? Have I been neglecting my physical, emotional, spiritual or mental health? Can I take care of something I've been procrastinating?
What is entirely out of my control?
Do I think I'm owed something from someone who doesn't see or believe this? Am I waiting for an event that may never happen? Am I expecting a 48-hour bug to last 12 hours? Am I cut off from any ability to make a change?

As you honestly have this conversation with yourself, you'll find that you are finally present and ready to listen.

To listen to your wounds. To respond to them right now. To be right where you are - today. To acknowledge that while they are smallish things, they can certainly be mighty in their impact. Don't ignore them.

So tonight, Chris and I will be toasting to taking care of the small things while we drink something I call, "Full Blue Moon". Yes, I know this full moon is blue, and I have to wonder how much it really did have something to do with my challenging week. And while it can fit in the palm of my hand from this Earthly view, it's a little thing that can cause a significant wave. Cheers, Friends!

Joy's Big Blue Moon Cocktail**

1 1/2 oz of Effen Cherry Vodka
1 oz of Blue Curacao
1/2 oz of Cointreau
Blue sugar
Orange juice

Place vodka, Curacao, and Cointreau in a shaker filled with ice. Shake hard. Rim a martini glass with orange juice and dip in blue sugar. 

**Always drink responsibly

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