Friday, March 16, 2018

A Joyous Perspective On Being Refined: Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be?

On this Friday Night Thought Tale Hour, I am not with my Henderson. I find myself in the land of my birth, California. I'm fortunate enough to be visiting some members of my dear family. The visit is not only one that will fill me with new and beautiful memories, but it will also do something else for me. Me, this flawed human, who has come through many a fire in her life. Some started by others and some that found the matches in my own hands. 

This visit will remind me of the power of believing you can rebuild your life and see restoration when you open your heart, mind, and soul to it. 

My life is far from perfect, and yet, it is pretty damned impressive. And yet this week, I was once again reminded of parts of my past that I will never be able to ultimately put behind me. It's not that I don't want to, but there are those who feel I don't deserve to walk away just won't let that happen. I guess it's just too hard for them. And that means it's hard for me. But I had to ask myself as I put these thoughts together, "What does that mean for me?" And I came to a conclusion that - 

Maybe it's not supposed to be easy for you. 

Not to play the martyr - hell no - far from it. That's not my way.
You might know what I mean. But maybe - just maybe - you're one of the rare few who can handle tough times and still choose to be a loving person. 

Maybe it's going how it's going because you're built for it. 

You were created to come through those fires and failures so you could prove it could be done. You have that something that makes you able to do it. Some call it 'Intestinal fortitude.' Others call it gall. And when you are once again reminded by those who will not let you forget, you have to ask yourself if:

Maybe it's just your time to refine. 

You think, "Oh really, this again? Why am I being nagged about this again? Why can't I get past it?Why can't they?" But maybe the pieces are being put in position and perhaps it's not a test at all, maybe it's all being prepared for your good and rushing it away could ruin it. Everyone could lose the real lesson. And maybe, even though you are so tired, perhaps you'll stay strong long enough to teach other people to feel the same about themselves, and that's what is called genuine love for others. 

Maybe this is just the way your growth looks and it's okay to accept that. 

Maybe your path isn't going to be the level one that slowly ascends to the mountaintop. Yours is going to be the rocky, craggy, steep, shale-ridden climb that will sometimes require of stopping to take a breath and other times of training to keep your wits and determination about you. But as long as you know you're giving it your all and the very best of you, you have to keep going. Even when you are angry or hurt or confused, you will know it's going to work out because you're not going to stop putting in the work. 

You're not going to let the difficult stop you from being 

the person you were created to be.

And as long as those ashes from the fire are being stirred and rekindled, you are not there yet. 

So tonight, I'll be toasting to being refined through the growth that's ahead of me. I'll be joined by people who I'm counting on to keep me honest in my pursuit of this process. And I know they will because I'm committed to doing it for them. And that is the way it's supposed to be. Cheers, Friends. 

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