Friday, December 14, 2018

A Joyous Perspective on the ABC's of Life: Saving the best for last.

It's Friday, and time for another Friday Night Thought Tale Hour with the Hendersons. After a month of working through the alphabet of my ABC's of Life, it's time to finish up. As I reviewed my final letters - V through Z - I realized how these principles really sum up much of what makes me who I have become. These are the foundational concepts that mold us and chisel away at many parts of ourselves that we can really do without. These are the opportunities that challenge us to be the person we were created to be, and not allow ourselves to settle for settling. We can't always plan for these things, but if we keep them tucked away and handy, they will help us grow. We must remember after all:

It's the challenges that come out of nowhere that truly tests our footing and teaches us something significant. 

So join me in exploring the end of the ABC's, and see if you agree that I've saved the very best for last.

You have a unique voice. You have greatness within you. You have something the world needs. That’s why you are here. Use your voice to speak your goals. Use your voice to care. Use your voice to inspire. Use your voice to make a positive change. Use your voice to pray. Use your voice to sing. Use your voice to laugh. Use your voice to help. Use your voice to love. Learn your voice, and know when to use it, and also when to keep it internalized. Be sure you value your voice, and use it wisely.

Hard work means that we are willing to try, fall, and stand up again. Work teaches us we are ready to be bold, and we are eager to face ridicule and criticism. We are designed to grow, and growth requires work. Work requires force, determination and a push toward moving forward. What you put in is what you get out. It's simple physics: Force plus distance equals work. Get unstuck. Work for it. 

Growth is painful- Change is painful- but neither is more painful than being stuck somewhere you don't belong. 

Don’t be someone who just does the bare minimum required in life. Go the extra mile and do more than you did before. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little extra. Today, where can you show up a little EXTRA? It's not a grandiose gesture. Extra is the smallest thing that made the largest difference. Be that one.

Leave it behind. Glance back to see how far you have come, but keep moving forward. Leave your past mistakes behind you. Yesterday just determines your starting point for today. It is no way a prediction of how far you can go. Don’t get stuck in what was, you don’t live there anymore. Today is a new day to set new intentions, get inspired and motivated, and start taking meaningful action toward your goals.

When thinking about life: 

No amount of guilt can solve the past- 

No amount of anxiety can change the future.


Do you do things just because, or do you do stuff with fervor, zeal, passion, energy, and enthusiasm? Where in your life are you still fast asleep? Where are you merely snoozing or drifting aimlessly? Now is the time to wake up. Choose one thing to do today that makes you come alive. You know the difference. This isn't about a flurry of activity. No, you can actually be zesty while sitting quietly in a meditation pose. Zest is purposeful and leaves you feeling just a bit tingly. Find your zest.

At the end of the day, you can either focus on what is tearing you apart or work on what is keeping you together. 

None of these concepts are rocket science. They are a part of you right now, but you may not be giving them the attention and feeding they deserve. I bet if you start to write them down, review them every morning and challenge yourself to see at least one in your daily life, you'll begin to see a stronger, brighter and shinier you.

So tonight, Chris and I will be toasting with a drink I call, "Saving the Best." It's bubbly, smooth and leaves you with a tingle. We're going for the zest that life has to give us. Cheers, Friends.

Joy's Saving the Best Cocktail***

4 partsextra dry Champagne
2 parts vodka
1 part cherry juice
1 part lemon juice

Take two glasses. Fill one with champagne and mix the other glass with the specified amounts of the other ingredients. Mix the contents of both glasses. Garnish with something shiny. 

***Drink Responsibly.

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