Friday, March 8, 2019

A Joyous Perspective on Living: Find the width.

It's Friday, and time for another Friday Night Thought Tale with the Henderson's. I've noted in this past 2 months of settling into the age of 59, that I find myself considering what I've learned in these many years on Earth. Many realizations that have enhanced my life and helped me find my joy. 

In my morning devotion and mediation time, I came away with this thought:

Don't live life to just find it's length - 
Be bold enough to discover it's width.

I have gathered many new and true realizations in the past year. During my morning Yoga practice today, I found myself filled with such joy that tears streamed down my face. I am becoming the real person I was designed to be. Wow. I wish I could infuse some of these simple truths into the brains of those around me - especially the young women. I have a soft spot for them, as they are living in a time filled with tremendous opportunity and the only thing often standing in their way is, yes, themselves. They seem to be worried about running out of time, but sincerely, they should consider running out of width. So this week, I decided to share the top six lessons I've learned that I wish I could have realized even earlier to help her find the width and scope of her life. I wonder, what would you add?

As I age... I wish that a younger me might have:

1) Learned that exercise is a tool to feel better, not only to lose weight or improve how I looked under my clothes.
I missed years of that amazing feeling I get during a walk or the elation I experience after a yoga practice because I was so focused on the results of a 'workout.' Even the term 'workout' is a terrible one designed to make us see doing something good for ourselves as 'forced effort.' Now I see the time I spend getting my heart rate up or muscles moving as a gift I give to myself. I cherish the glow I see when I glance in the mirror. It's not work, it's play. I know that now as I age.

2) Worn less makeup and accepted my natural beauty more.
Oh, the hours I've wasted in front of the mirror making myself presentable to a public that most likely could not care less. I'm not saying I would have never worn makeup, as there times when it enhances your beauty or gives you a little boost. But now,  I realize less really is more. I no longer utilize an enormous amount of precious time doing my make up each day. Take it or leave it, this is me, as I age.

3) Learned how to be really still, and played freeze tag with my kids more, and let them freeze a little longer.
The benefits of being still are something we don't encourage enough in ourselves. Perhaps it's due to being told to 'sit still' so many times when we are young. We fight against it, we squirm against it, we fidget. Just being still and listening to your breathing can do more for your sense of peace and well being than any prescription ever will. And I'm talking about the whole system, especially that busy mind. I'm learning to make time for complete stillness each day, as I age.

4) Decided to continue my education sooner. 
No matter what level I had reached, I wish I would have continued to find ways to keep formal education in my life. Even one course a year would have been beneficial. We get overwhelmed with the prospect of taking on a commitment due to time constraints, or we set inordinate goals that make one never want to start. I know now that I will never, ever stop learning, as I age.

5) Practiced standing on one leg more.
It's not as easy as it looks, but again, the benefits are life-changing.Each side of yourself is different, and you'll feel something unique as you switch from the right to the left. And you know what it teaches you besides how to fall gracefully? Balance. And learning to balance your life and yourself is a lesson that most people struggle with their whole lives, especially women. I've figured out that to stay erect on one leg, you must remain grounded and not over-compensate for distractions, as I age. 

6) Mostly, I wish I had realized sooner that I AM...
Enough, without having to add anything.
Loved, without doing anything to earn it.
Protected, by my intuition.
Gifted, with treasures that are awaiting my discovery.
Unique, and like none other who has ever or will ever live.
Strong, especially when I feel the weakest.
Wrong at times, and that's when I've learned the greatest lessons.
I know now that no one else needs to finish my I AM sentence. Only I can do that, as I age.

So which one of these resonates with you and makes you breathe a little faster?

No time like the present to start.

So tonight, Chris and I will be toasting to the joy's of aging with a drink I'm calling, 'Ageless Wisdom.' While these things took me 59-years of life to learn, they don't have to take everyone that long. So here's to finding those actions or beliefs in your life that are keeping you from discovering that freedom that you deserve. Cheers, Friends.

Joy's Ageless Wisdom Cocktail**

1 1/2 oz Bourbon
3/4 oz Cynar
1/2 oz Chartreuse
1/2 oz Lime Juice
1 sprig Sage
1/2 oz Simple Sugar

Squeeze lime, cut shell into small pieces, and muddle with sage and simple sugar.  Add other ingredients. Shake vigorously in a shaker. Strain into rocks filled low-ball glass. Garnish with a pear and a leaf of sage.

**Always drink responsibly.

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