This week, many of us in the middle of the country have been thinking about drought. It's in the news and around the water-cooler every day. When will it rain, why it won't rain, how dry it is, how hot it is and what place it is on the all time no rain list - all common themes raised throughout the airwaves. It has struck me how little we usually consider droughts, or even that they might be a possibility, until they hit us. Songs are not written about the lack of rain or warning about it's terrors. Instead we are told to 'save it for a rainy day'. It's not a drought that is sad, it's rain.
But experience tells me otherwise, and I bet you understand this too. Droughts usually sneak up on us. They come with little warning. You can't 'prepare' for them, because they are just plain more vicious than one can ever expect. Rainstorms are blobs I can watch on my weather radar, but droughts are shapeless and colorless forms that don't tell us when they plan on dissipating. And so too are the droughts that hit us in other areas of our life: health, wealth, creativity, emotion, and many more. They can leave behind wilt and cracks and all sorts of damage. When you are in one, you have little choice but to wait, because even the best of efforts at self-watering usually never get down to the real root where the healing lies. That can only come from a good, soaking rain. Rain that comes in it's own good time, often when you least expect it.
You know, we joke about drinking cocktails and drinking them to soothe or celebrate, but Chip and I both know better than anyone that nothing takes care of real thirst like a cold glass of H2O. You can drink your favorite libation until you pass out, but you are still going to wake up parched. Keeping with the metafore, it's an important thing to remember this when you are dealing with drought in your life. Don't neglect the true sources or refreshment in your life, especially when you are going through a dry spell. So here's to water, and the hope that we will soon be seeing more of it falling from our skies - CHEERS FRIENDS!
(and we will follow with a little drink called a 'Rain Cloud', because it wouldn't be Friday without a good cocktail!)
Joy's Rain Cloud Cocktail
Fill a glass with ice. Add 1 shot Chambord Raspberry Liqueur (Or Razzamatazz works as well). 1 shot Blue Curacao and Vodka, then fill with 7-up or Sprite. Add a Freezer Pop for fun!
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